Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield facilitated the second annual meeting of the seven college sites participating in Benefits Access for College Completion (BACC).
On October 10, 2016, Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield presented "Student Hunger, Housing Insecurity, and Unmet Financial Need: Overcoming Barriers to College Completion" at the National Scholarship Providers Association's annual conference.
A report from CLASP analyzes how students were served by Benefits Access for College Completion (BACC), a 2.5-year initiative designed to increase access to public benefits (such as SNAP or Medicaid) for eligible low-income students. These crucial supports reduce students’ unmet financial needs and help them finish…
CLASP expert Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield discusses how public benefits help low-income and nontraditional students complete their degrees, as well as what states can do to better connect their benefits and higher education policies.