The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) hosted a webinar, exploring how income support provisions in the COVID-19 response legislation intersect with existing public benefits.
Many people lose Medicaid and SNAP benefits at renewal, often due to cumbersome renewal processes and unnecessary paperwork rather than a change in their eligibility status.
Early childhood experts know that nutrition assistance, affordable health insurance, quality child care, and early learning opportunities are vital for children’s healthy development. But we also know that many immigrant families are worried about participating in programs like SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, and CHIP.Parents are concerned…
CLASP hosted a webinar explaining the basics of SNAP, how the EBT card works, and shares how retailers on college campuses can accept SNAP at their stores.
CLASP hosted a webinar with Dr. Jamila Michener, author of Fragmented Democracy. She discussed research on the impact of federalism on work support programs and resulting political and racial inequality.
Elizabeth Lower-Basch presented on how work requirements don't work for a webinar hosted by the Coalition on Human Needs and Heartland Alliance in March 2018.
This webinar presents findings from two CLASP reports: Our Children's Fear: Immigration Policy's Effects on Young Children, which is broadly focused on immigrant children and families, and Immigration Policy's Harmful Impacts on Early Care and Education.