This report finds that youth in America, especially in regions like the South that have high populations of young Black and Brown people, desperately need policies that provide adequate and accessible paid leave from employment.
This brief examines the challenges youth face in the current job market and proposes recommendations for a national subsidized employment program that prioritizes equity and amplifies youth voices.
This brief summarizes key themes that emerged from interviews with Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEP) funders, program providers, and youth participants in Albany, Denver, Louisville, Los Angeles, New York, and Orlando.
By Noel Tieszen For decades, Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) have provided income, career exposure, and real-life work experience for thousands of young people across the United States. Yet year after year, youth and community leaders report that there are not enough summer jobs to…
The Census Bureau annual release on income, poverty, and health insurance coverage shows that government investments in 2020 successfully reduced poverty.
These policy recommendations address health and mental health, employment and economic security, education and career pathways, justice and safe communities, and child care for youth and young adults in America.