The Adult Education and Economic Growth Act: Toward a Modern Adult Education System and a More Educated Workforce
The Adult Education and Economic Growth Act (AEEGA) was introduced in the House of Representatives in June 2011 by Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX-15) and in February 2012 in the Senate by Sen. Jim Webb (VA). The Act (H.R. 2226 and S. 2117) would amend the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) to encourage the use and availability of career pathways for low-skilled adults, strengthen the focus of adult education on postsecondary and career success, increase the number of adult education students receiving marketable postsecondary credentials, and modernize the adult education system to meet the needs of 21st century jobs. Although AEEGA could substantially improve WIA—particularly the title II provisions that govern adult education—it could be strengthened by incorporating stronger provisions that promote better alignment between WIA ttles I and II, including a shared system of accountability.
To learn more, read this brief by Marcie Foster.