WEBINAR: Improving Medicaid Renewals

Medicaid renewals often lead to eligible beneficiaries losing coverage due to procedural issues like not receiving notices or not providing required forms. But there is an opportunity to significantly improve Medicaid renewals by taking advantage of the ex parte process, which allows agencies to rely on electronic data sources to renew eligibility without requiring any action from beneficiaries. This webinar will explore opportunities to increase the success rate of ex parte renewals, how to get information from your agency on how renewals are currently being conducted in the eligibility system, expanding ex parte renewals to the non-MAGI population, and streamlining the process for beneficiaries unable to be renewed ex parte. National experts and state advocates will present on their experiences, challenges, and successes.

Suzanne Wikle, Project Director – Advancing Strategies to Align Programs, The Center for Law and Social Policy.
Jennifer Wagner, Senior Policy Analyst, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Shelby Gonzales, Director of Enrollment and Outreach, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Louise Hayes, Supervising Attorney, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia.
Beth Shapiro, Senior Attorney, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia.