Job Schedules & Quality in Workforce Development Audio Conference
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Workforce development has a mission: to place people in jobs and to help people advance in jobs they already have. Public programs and private employers can help workers gain new skills. To get people hired, workforce development programs provide education and training and seek to match potential employees’ skills with employers’ needs. There is a growing interest in workforce development programs matching up skilled employees with employers that offer higher quality jobs. Higher quality jobs pay decent wages and also provide essentials such as paid leave and stable scheduling.
Work-based training programs supported through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and developed in partnership with employers and industry sectors could bring even greater attention to job quality. And private employers are also joining forces to promote skill development for front-line employees through UpSkill America, a new employer-led initiative to foster effective employer-provided training.
Speakers for this audio call included:
- David Socolow, CLASP
- Katy Gaul-Stigge, Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development, New York City
- John Colborn, Aspen Institute