What Emergency Child Care Looks Like During a Pandemic

By Linda Poon, Laura Bliss, Marie Patino


“Officials in Seattle, New York and Los Angeles are working to set up their own emergency child care programs, an urgent bare minimum for those at the battle’s edge of the pandemic. But it leaves an untold number of workers in a lurch.

As the spread of coronavirus has brought city after city to a standstill, it has also spurred what may be the greatest global child care crisis in modern history. ”What we’re learning, and what’s gaining visibility right now, is the fact that it is child care that allows every other industry to work,” says Hannah Matthews, deputy executive director for policy at the anti-poverty nonprofit Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP). ‘Parents don’t go to work without child care.’”


Read the full article here.

Source URL: https://www.citylab.com/life/2020/04/coronavirus-daycare-essential-workers-parents-child-care/608605/