Lessons Learned from Last Week’s Ways and Means Hearing On Paid Leave
By Jacqueline Rodríguez, Tim Shaw, Adrienne Schweer
Paid leave was front and center on Wednesday, May 8, as the Ways and Means Committee held the first-ever House hearing on paid family and medical leave.
Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) opened the hearing agreeing on a key issue: the committee should focus not on whether to increase access to paid family leave, but how to increase access. While members on both sides had different strategies for increasing leave, they all agreed that increasing access to family leave is a shared policy goal.
Read the full article here.
Source URL: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/lessons-learned-from-last-weeks-ways-and-means-hearing-on-paid-leave/