Harris wants to bring back the expanded child tax credit. Here’s why that’s good.
By Janna Herron
“One theme that really stuck out to me is just not only were these payments going towards bills, food and groceries,” said Ashley Burnside, a senior policy analyst at CLASP. “But it was also helping parents to be able to say yes to a lot of these experiences that their children wanted and to create these positive moments that can make parenthood and childhood so special.”
Source URL: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/commentary-harris-wants-to-bring-back-the-expanded-child-tax-credit-heres-why-thats-good-140040145.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACYHZiBiWYtTtFjiMKhix3YMOLMPYRdoXxOdd701Tqkzyrrzr_6MBnxbNpkRqY_lNr7-nh-iRDtcSXFbfvWft42NhD7CFCDMxA7QSoeAPLPMYT2NgfIxeY82BkLYF9ya9oeZNqWHRc2UE0gqXBfqTQN2UmURhX_Lc2JFb0e6h_QS