WEBINAR: Unequal States: Medicaid Policy, Practice, and Politics
Join CLASP Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT for a webinar with Dr. Jamila Michener, author of Fragmented Democracy, for a discussion of the current landscape of Medicaid waivers and what Dr. Michener’s research tells us about the lasting negative impact of disparate treatment under Medicaid.
Four states have received permission from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to tie Medicaid eligibility to employment or “community engagement”, and another ten have requested approval to do so. In Arkansas, more than 4,300 people have already been locked out of Medicaid coverage for the rest of the year for failing to submit the required paperwork for three months, and it’s expected that several more thousand will lose their Medicaid coverage every month moving forward.
In this webinar, CLASP Policy Analyst Renato Rocha will provide an overview of the racially loaded history of tying receipt of benefits to “work requirements” and an update on the latest developments in Medicaid waivers. Dr. Jamila Michener will then present on her research about how people’s experiences with work support programs influence their civic engagement.
- Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Director, Income and Work Supports, CLASP
- Renato Rocha, Policy Analyst, Income and Work Supports, CLASP
- Dr. Jamila Michener, Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Cornell University
Register here.