Webinar: Improving Access, Cutting Red Tape: State Lessons from Work Support Strategies
Improving Access, Cutting Red Tape: State Lessons from Work Support Strategies
Mon Jun 12 2017 03:30 PM – Mon Jun 12 2017 04:30 PM EDT
Under the Work Support Strategies (WSS) initiative, six diverse states — Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and South Carolina — received funding and technical assistance to design, test, and implement more effective, streamlined, and integrated approaches to delivering key supports (including health coverage, nutrition benefits, and child care subsidies) for low-income working families. In a recent article from APHSA’s Policy and Practice, Elizabeth Lower-Basch of the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) highlighted lessons learned from WSS to describe how these states achieved large-scale improvement in families’ access to the full package of programs, using opportunities that exist today.
In this webinar, Ms. Lower-Basch will interview Lori Wolff from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and Judith Lawrence from the North Carolina Department of Social Services on how they designed, tested, and implemented more effective, streamlined, and integrated approaches to delivering key supports for low-income working families, and what advice they would share with other states undertaking this work.
Lori Wolff, Administrator, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Judy Lawrence, Operational Support Team Representative, North Carolina Division of Health and Human Services
Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Director, Income and Work Supports, CLASP
Megan Lape, Director, National Collaborative for Integration of Health & Human Services , APHSA