Utah Youth in Transition Policy Summit
On April 4 and 5, 2023, The Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health, the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, UTAH (NAMI Utah) hosted the first-ever Youth-in-Transition Policy Summit. The summit highlighted five policies focused on improving access to mental health care for transition-age youth. The summit was presided over by a panel of youth experts who facilitated the policy presentations, evaluated each policy, and offered suggestions to the panelists on how to improve their policies to better meet the needs of young people.
Throughout the summit, the youth panelists emphasized that youth involvement is critical in shaping the policies that impact young people and that policymakers must prioritize their experiences in policymaking.
Download the Brief: Allyship that Saves Lives: Policies to Support Youth in Transition
Watch the event highlights video:
>> Access all of the videos and panel discussions.
Youth Panelist Highlights
Full Policy Presentations
- California Children’s Partnership/National Black Women’s Justice Institute: H3C
- Youth Move Pennsylvania: Youth Peer Support
- Wraparound Milwaukee
- North Carolina Integrated Care for Kids
- Utah Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services
Speakers and Performances
- Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General
- Dr. Michelle Hoffman, Utah Department of Health and Human Services
- Dr. Angela Díaz, Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center
- Lydia Proulx, Youth Move National
- Dr. Adriana Galván, UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent
- Native Generations
>>View photos from the event.
>>Browse full recordings of the event.