Sector Initiatives Virtual Conference
Join the National Network of Sector Partners (NNSP) December 2-12 for a free virtual conference on sector initiatives and other workforce models for individuals with barriers to employment. Sector initiatives are regional, industry-focused approaches to workforce and economic development that improve access to good jobs and increase job quality in ways that strengthen an industry’s workforce. The conference features workshops and interactive discussions with leading practitioners, policymakers, and researchers about important policy and practice lessons from the sector field. Session topics are organized around four tracks:
1) Sector Initiatives and Career Pathways
2) Sector Initiatives and Registered Apprenticeships
3) Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Criminal Records
4) Sector Initiatives and Youth
CLASP’s Alliance for Quality Career Pathways will present a session with NNSP on how sector initiatives and career pathways together benefit workers and employers. Leaders from two participating Alliance states – California and Oregon – will share information about policy and practice in their states that support a sector-based career pathways approach in the context of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the increasing importance of industry sector-based career pathways models.