Webinar: Amplifying Voices with Lived Experience for Meaningful Engagement and Change

Please join the Community Partnership Group (CPG) on Tuesday, June 25, at 1 p.m. ET for an insightful webinar exploring the crucial work of co-creating policies alongside individuals with lived experience. Embark on a journey with Barbie Izquierdo, Tamika Moore, and Alice Aluoch as they share insights into how these policies are formed, best practices, impact, and invaluable lessons they have learned. The panel will also discuss why it is imperative for funders to invest in initiatives that prioritize the perspectives of those with lived experience. By supporting projects that center those voices, funders contribute to the creation of policies that better reflect the needs and realities of the communities they serve.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how co-creating policies alongside experts with lived experience can drive transformative change and foster a more inclusive and just society. Join us and be part of the movement towards meaningful and impactful policy reform.