Economically Stable Families
Economic instability is often at the core of other challenges faced by young children and their families. Infants’ and toddlers’ parents need good jobs in responsive workplaces and access to assistance when they are unable to make ends meet.
- Education and Training Programs. Low-income parents of infants and toddlers should have access to affordable education and training to improve their employment opportunities.
- Cash Assistance and Tax Credits Families. in poverty with infants and toddlers should get cash assistance and refundable tax credits to supplement their earnings.
- Paid Leave. Parents with infants and toddlers should have paid sick leave from work when they are ill, when their child or a family member is ill, or to obtain preventive care for themselves or their families. Parents should have paid family and medical leave when a child is born, adopted, or newly fostered.
- Housing Assistance. Low-income families with infants and toddlers should have affordable, safe, and stable housing.