By Lulit Shewan The Southern U.S. has historically had the largest number of Black people in the workforce in the country. This is a region where workplace organizing faces hostile laws and employer power is emboldened. States in the South have some of the lowest…
In November 2013, the Urban Institute, with support from the Foundation for Child Development, convened practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to explore the impacts of instability on children, as well as implications for policy and practice.
HPOG’s recently released Year Three Annual Report highlights the success to date of HPOG career pathway programs in educating and training low-income, lower-skilled adults for health professions.
Starbucks has announced that it will enforce its existing scheduling polices and eliminate some unfair practices following a recent New York Times article about the harrowing experiences of an employee grappling with an erratic, unpredictable schedule.
Home visiting has a strong evidence base. Rigorous research supports the effectiveness of several models at promoting strong parenting skills and children’s health and development, as well as streamlining family support and child development services. Home visiting programs can also improve child health and development,…
Total TANF federal and state funds spent or transferred amounted to $31.65 billion in FY2013. However, spending on core TANF purposes including basic assistance, child care and work-related activities continue to decline.
On July 31, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education issued an invitation to postsecondary institutions to participate in experiments designed to test three competency-based approaches to improve student outcomes under the federal financial aid.