CLASP recognizes AEFL week and the need to invest in IET+S
By Judy Mortrude and Lauren Walizer
Every year, Adult Education and Family Literacy week (AEFL week) recognizes the importance of investing in adult education services. Far too often, adults in the U.S. lack basic skills; indeed, 36 million can’t read or write at a basic level. However, despite this striking need, the U.S. continues to neglect and underfund adult education.
In a fact sheet released on September 26, 2016, CLASP explains how an IET+S strategy can help these adults develop skills and access family-sustaining jobs. The strategy combines Integrated Education and Training with an added focus on support services and partnerships with specific industry sectors. This is an effective model for creating healthier, stronger families; economies; and communities.
Recognizing the need for strategic investment during AEFL week, now is the time for action to fulfill students’ social, academic, and workforce training needs.