CLASP Child Care Team at 25: Reflections From a Policy Analyst

This blog is part of a series that lifts up alumni, partner, and board member reflections in celebration of CLASP Child Care and Early Education team’s 25th anniversary. Alejandra is a CCEE team alumna and worked on the team as a policy analyst from 2021-2023. She currently is a policy analyst at the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

By Alejandra Londono Gomez

Greatest Successes for the Child Care Sector

One of the most significant successes during my time at CLASP was elevating the issue of child care to a national priority. When I joined the team, the country was reeling from the profound impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed the vulnerabilities in our child care system and the crucial role it plays in supporting parental workforce participation. Throughout my tenure at CLASP, we saw a shift in the narrative, where child care became not just a talking point but a key issue that demanded action from political leaders across the spectrum.

Our team at CLASP was instrumental in driving this shift. We worked tirelessly to engage with policymakers, ensuring that they understood the critical importance of investing in child care. These efforts were not just about raising awareness but about laying the groundwork for lasting policy change that will benefit families across the nation.

Greatest Challenge Facing the Child Care Sector

One of the most daunting challenges we faced (and continue to face) in the child care field is bridging the gap between awareness and action, specifically in securing the necessary funding to support child care. While we succeeded in bringing child care into the limelight and illustrating its essential role in the lives of families, translating this recognition into concrete financial commitments remained a significant hurdle. Despite widespread acknowledgment of the issue, we continued to struggle with ensuring that policymakers allocated sufficient resources to make quality child care accessible and affordable for all families.

Our team worked tirelessly to advocate for increased funding and support, but the pace of policy change often lags behind the urgent needs of families.

Amplifying Policy Considerations for Marginalized Communities

CLASP’s commitment to equity and inclusion was evident in its approach to policy advocacy, and I am proud to have been part of an organization that prioritized the needs of marginalized communities. During my time on the CCEE team, we made concerted efforts to ensure that the voices of low-income families, families of color, and immigrant families were not just included but amplified in policy discussions. These communities often face compounded challenges when it comes to accessing quality child care, and it was our responsibility to ensure that their needs were front and center in our work.

One of the aspects of my work that I am most proud of is the collaboration across different teams within CLASP. We recognized that issues about family economic stability are deeply interconnected. The CLASP team worked to break down the silos that often exist in policy advocacy. I had the privilege of working closely with colleagues on issues such as the unionization of child care workers, which is crucial for improving working conditions and, by extension, the quality of care provided to children. My work at the intersection of immigration and child care also allowed me to advocate for immigrant families, who are often overlooked in policy debates. As an immigrant myself, this work was deeply personal, and I was driven by a passion to ensure that these families received the support they deserved.

Fondest Memory on the CLASP Child Care and Early Education Team

My fondest memories from my time on the CLASP CCEE team revolve around the incredible people I had the opportunity to work with and learn from. The relationships I built with my colleagues were deeply meaningful.

Beyond my immediate team, I had the privilege of connecting with advocates from across the country—individuals who are fighting for better policies for families in their communities. I also had the chance to work with parent advocates, whose stories and experiences grounded our work in the realities that families face every day. These interactions were not only enriching but also motivating, reminding me of the importance of our work and the impact it can have.

The collective effort, passion, and dedication of everyone I encountered during my time at CLASP was a truly transformative experience that continues to shape my perspective and drive my commitment to advocating for equitable policies that support all families.

>> Learn more and register for the 25th Anniversary of the child care and early education team.